Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I am back!

Mattie up at camp...Love this hat...Gift from the Steinbachers
Mattie loves Monkies. She would watch them all day if you let her. "Love your brush and the brush will love you" is what Nani tells her. She loves her lip-a-stick.
Have you seen two cuter kids? I haven't. I love Zayne and Mattie!

I know, I know. I have fallen way behind on my blog duties. I am sorry. Lack of internet access and just no time have led to my backlog of updates and pictures.
Things are changing all the time around here, some things good, somethings bad, but I say.....CHANGE IS GOOD.
Mattie is growing like a weed, and her vocabulary is just blowingme out of the water. She can count up to 10, which I think is great for a 22 month old, but I am her mom, so I am biased. She loves going with me to work even more now because we have another baby to watch. Little Miss Haley has been with us for a little over a month now, and although she is only 8 months old, Mattie loves to play with her. She even helps me feed her when it is time to give her her bottle. I am sure one day she will make a great big sister... but not any day soon. ha ha ha

For those of you who don't know, Scott and I are no longer together. Well, we are still living together in the same house as of right now, but that will change by the end of the week. I don't want to go into lots of details, but both have agreed that it is better to be friends around our daughter than to be miserable. Mattie will know nothing different than her parents being respectful to eachother, and that is the way it should be. I believe all three of us will be happier in the end because of this. Everyone deserves happiness. I make no regrets, things happen for a reason and Mattie is living proof of that!

Mattie and I are going to be moving into Aunt T and Uncle Bill (or as Mattie says, Uncle Bell) house this weekend. We can't wait. Mattie loves the both of them, as do I, and it should be a fun experience. I haven't lived with my sister in...oh... must be atleast 15 years, so it will be interesting. I am so thankful to her for helping us our.

I will write more later, and will post pictures. Be patient, and by this time next week you will have blog dates from me coming out of your ears!


Anonymous said...

So Cute Renee!
Glad that you are back! Things will be okay.... You are making the right choice.

Mom of Mattie said...

I know... I really feel it deep down. Thanks for the offer to bring Mattie to the parade. I am not sure what I am doing yet. I wil call you tonight.