Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Guess who is rolling over now and who has become quite the little pro? This weekend, amidst her vomiting and GI bug problems...Mattie decided she was going to try rolling over for the first time. She did it 2 times in a row. Then nothing for a couple of days. Today, she has done it 7 times. Whenever you put her on her back she grabs her toes, then rolls to one side or the other, and after a minute or two of a lot of grunting and growing, she lifts the noggin off the floor and TA DA, we have a roller. She looks at you like ha ha ha, look what I can do, and you can't. She really has this look of accomplishment on her face when she does it, its so cute! So she is coming a long...slow but steady wins the race.
Once I get my camera and all its' fixings unpacked, I will download some pictures to share. Have a great night...bundle up...its about to get Arctic in the North Country!

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