Monday, April 09, 2007

1st Easter

So, we did get stuck with some snow for Easter, but all in all, it was a great day. Mattie and I headed out to church, because we just had to show off her cutest little pink dress with overcoat, and her pink little shoes. I really was torn on which church to attend, the one where we got married and Mattie was baptised, or to attend the very last Easter Sunday Service at the church where I grew up in our town. I ended up going to my old church. I remember how many Easter's mom my and all of us girls got all dressed up, went to church, and then took our pictures afterwards. It makes me sad that the church where I gained so many memories, is closing its doors this summer. There aren't enough in the congregation to keep it going, yet when you walk in the doors, it seems like everyone in town is there. It's a place where every week you could here about the local prayer requests, causes for celebration, and updates on people out of town. Yesterday, Bobby Galpin, who was a couple years behind me, was on the prayer request list. His mom told the congregation that he was injured over in Iraq, and others in his infantry were killed. His mom came to tears speaking about how grateful she was that he was alive, knowing she was scared to death that in the next couple of days he would be put back in active duty. This will be another memory, along with the sight of Mattie in my arms, or blowing big slobbery kisses on my cheek during the sermon, that this church has provided me.
When we got home from church, I started the preparation for our meal. It was nice to have my sisters and Bill there along with my family. Even though Mom, Dad and Zayne were in Myrtle Beach, we still had a nice family gathering. We called Dad and put him on speaker phone so he could lead us in "Grace", and it made me cry a little, yet it made us all feel like we were all together for Easter.
Dad called us right back, and he asked to be put on speaker so he could sing Happy Birthday to Shanelle. Not only was yesterday Easter, it was also her Birthday. So it was a great day all around. Mattie got to eat some ham, got lots of cool gifts, like a cool pair of shades that she loves, and she even got some Birthday cake. Does it get any better? Well, it could have if we had ice cream, but we didn't, so we will have to make up for that tonight.

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