Wednesday, January 17, 2007

There's no place like home...There's no place like home

Dorthy said it best, there really is no place like home. It is so strange to be back home, after a 8 year absence. The smell, feel, look...everything tells me I am home. I have to tell myself that one day once Scott and I get our own place, I will make it feel just the same.
Can I just tell you how much shit, and I use that term loosely, that we have? I rented a 26 foot moving van, which should have more than done it, to move us. Hell no. My dad's truck, Scott's car, and my Escape all got crammed full of stuff, and I still had to leave stuff behind. I can't believe it. NO MORE RENTING, ONLY BUYING A HOUSE=ONLY HAVING TO MOVE 1 MORE TIME! Gosh, I hate moving almost as much as I hate doing dishes. And for those who know me, they know that is pretty bad!
The move went well. We have returned the truck. My poor parents who are both ill were quite the troopers make the trip there, pack up, drive back, and unpack all in one day. We still had stuff to unpack this morning, but most was done. So the basement looks like a Walmart warehouse or something equivalent to it. Its such a pain to live out of boxes, but it will be so worth it!
Mattie is adjusting to Nana and Papa's house quite well. I am sure she is just thinking its a weekend thing or something. She really does well with change, who she gets that from, beats the hell out of me.
Scott went to bed at 8:30, trying to rest up for his first day of work tomorrow. I know he must be nervous. He will do fine. I stayed up and tried to clean the house as much as I could, so we don't get the boot. :) The computer room looks like a tornado went through it because its got all of Mattie's stuff in it, but that will get taken care of tomorrow. I will just peck away at thing one box by box, and it will get done. I already have to take a trip back down to Watertown to Aunt Bonnie's because they unloaded all of Mattie's clothes there. See what happens when I don't go with them to unload? ha ha ha I can't complain, they did a great job.
Well, I am going to go try to get some sleep. Scott and I usually sleep on a king sized bed, and we have now condensed to a double until we get our own place. OMG...this will be my own little hell. I love my big bed, and hate having someone touching me in my sleep. I need my room!!!!!!! ha ha ha
Oh, and did I mention how frigging cold it is here? It didn't get above 0 today! All you whiners back in Rochester can kiss my big butt when you say its too cold. You haven't felt nothing until you come up my way baby. Your nostrils freeze together when you try to breath out there tonight.
I will write more tomorrow. Miss all of you back down in Rochester...Love you all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oooooh I hate you for leaving me!!!