Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What's all the ups without one huge down?

Mattie went for her 6 month check up since we won't be here next Thursday for her appointment. They said her weight, height and head size were all great. They are concerend with her arms, she isn't reaching out to grab things like she should, and is constantly putting them behind her. So I had to schedule an appointment with Early Intervention, and they have to do an evaluation on her. And she isn't sitting up or rolling over, so they are getting worried about that. I said a lot has to do with her not being on her belly that much because of the reflux, but they don't think that is quite it. So you know me, the world will be on edge until we meet with them next Friday. My cousins have some form of muscular weakness in their arms too, so I am worrying that this may be the case. I am trying not to spaz about it, but you all know how I am. I just don't want her to suffer or be in any pain. Its a mommy thing. :) They also said her head is misshapen from being on her back, they wanted to have her seen by a specialist but I said I don't care about that right now, hair can cover up a flatspot, I am worried about her arms. My mom and Aunts are being super supportive and trying to assure me that things will be fine, and that there is a reason that we are moving up there and that I will be with Mattie 24/7 now. That she will get all the care she needs. I know that is the truth, things happen for a reason. I just prayed so hard last night that the evaluation would say she is just being lazy (ughh... I am so sick of hearing that, but it would be better than the alternative). It just makes me so mad that I have said for the past 4 months that something isn't right with her arms, and they are just now looking into it. I know, I know...they have to give her time to develope. Its mothers intuition though. I love Mattie, and not matter what her prognosis is, we all will help her. Just pray for her that its something minor and that I am getting worried over nothing. I guess in the back of my mind I keep thinking about Scott's family's life with his autistic brother, and how they have told me how hard it was watching Brian not do things the other kids were doing. But I also see the twinkle in their eyes when they speak about him, and the joy he brought to their lives in the short time he way here. I know that Scott and I will be able to help her just like his parents helped Brian.
Alright...the venting is now done. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

when renee called with the news i honestly thought the world stopped ..i couldn't think ...we have know for a while that those little arms weren't working right...but we just thought she would come along ...after a day or more of crying and wondering what is to come i realized that if mattie is going to be a special child goc gave her to a special family and we will help her all we can ...i pray every day that this will be a little ripple on the lake that we can get through .. we want the best for mattie moo and those little arms need to work so she will be able to put her little crown on ...because what is a little princess with out her crown ...please pray for mattie and all of the family ...nana loves you mattie..

Mom of Mattie said...

Mom, I know that things will be ok. I have prayed enough, and am going to church tomorrow for reassurance, but I know that God can only give you what you can handle. Look at all the scares they gave us when I was pregnant, and nothing ever came of it. It will be the same thing, I am sure, just a scare. Or maybe its that shoulder thing you spoke of. That sounds as though it is something that is fixable. My baby will come through this, I have faith now. Thanks for all the support.