Friday, November 09, 2007

Halloween Time

I tried for a month to get Mattie to say "Boo" so she could tell people that when they opened their doors. Well, she didn't quite get the "Boo" out but she would puff up her cheeks and stick out her lips whenever you would ask her what a ghost said. Hey, close enough. She loved trick-or-treating. What is it with kids and their fascination with free candy. Oh wait...what is my fascination with it.

Mattie gave the people in the neighborhood the biggest smile when they showed her their bowls full of candy. She would pick out a piece of candy and then waive bye-bye. She was very polite and very excited to move onto the next house.

Here are some pictures of her and her little friend Chasity. The Geisha girl is Em McAdoo, I thought her costume was so cute. Her cousin Zayne (who was sooooo over trick-or-treating so he only participated in his school's parade) was a crazy butcher.


Lisa said...

Hey Renee...great halloween pictures. Mattie is soo beautiful. I love her eyes!

Is Em Mcadoo related to Janet? I just saw her at our holistic moms meeting last nite. I adore Janet.

Mom of Mattie said...

Yup, that is her neice. I babysat all of her neices from that family, now they are babysitting Mattie. Its so strange. :)