Monday, November 19, 2007

Saint Bernard Wanted

I know I have a couple of loyal readers, so why not give this a shot? Mattie, Scott and I are looking for a Saint Bernard to help fill our new home. If anyone knows of someone with one or where I could find one, please let me know. I know that there is on in Fairport, and am trying to see if he is still available. I would prefer a puppy so we can train him/her but not a requirement. MUST be good with children. Mattie loves dogs so they must love her. :)
Thanks for your help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi I have a female st bernard that is one year old who is wonderful with children. She has been through obedience school and is very well behaved. She is rrgistere through the American Kennel club. please call if you are interested. 330-868-2302