Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving from our little turkey!

I hope everyone has as much to be thankful for as I do this year. Enjoy the time with your loved ones, and like my mom says, Don't gobble till you wobble (don't eat too much).
Here are some pictures of Mattie on her first Thanksgiving. As you can tell, she loves to watch the parade, a tradition my parents started with me. Every year, as my mom washed the turkey, I would have a poptart (cause you don't want to eat too much so you can eat a lot later) and watch the parade. This year Mattie is just a wee bit too small for poptarts, but we will start next year. Then after my mom would wash the turkey, I would help do the stuffing. That was one thing I always looked forward to, and I hope that Mattie will want to help me with the stuffing too.
We went to Grandma Sheila's and we also went to Aunt Kathy's house. We had a busy day. At Aunt Kathy's, Mattie got to hang out with her cousin Joe. The pictures show her reaction to him. She was scared of him at first, and he just loved her. They are too cute when they get together. We can't wait until Julia is included in the baby bunch! :)

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