Saturday, November 11, 2006

Who's got a crazy neighbor????????

Ok, most of you know about my crazy neighbor. She is a crazy crackpot I tell ya! Well, last night Scott and I got a knock on our back door by the cops, saying someone in Apartment 13 got robbed. The person broke in through a window, which is scary. Come to find out, they only stole ridalin (I know I can't spell :) ) because Scott heard the cops question our neighbor about it. Now just 5 minutes before he heard that, Amanda called to say she had heard that our neighbor had stole those drugs before. Coincidence? I think not. The cops were questioning why one of my crazy neighbors shoes was in the apartment that was broken into. She told them that someone was trying to set her up. ha ha ha ha... OMG, this lady is a freaking nutjob! She knew one of the cops, so nothing was done. It scares the crap out of me that she lives next to me. The landlord said he is working on getting her out. Yah right! It really looks like it, now doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

i know how you feel!!! but maybe it was me setting her up!! hahaha lol just kidding!! :)

Mom of Mattie said...

I know it was you Amanda. You want her out so you can move next door to me again. :) Maybe you and Keith are into listening to Scott and I through the walls. ha ha
I wonder what I can steal from your apartment, chop up and snort to get me high? I will have to ask my crazy neighbor.